Welcome to GoViral.

Earn Money for What You Already Do Online.
Make your time online count! Complete simple tasks like watching videos, sharing content, and more to earn real cash

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Why Choose Goviral???

Earn While You Browse, Turn your online activities into a source of income. Get paid for doing what you love, like watching videos and sharing content.

Diverse Earning Opportunities From sponsored tasks to viral content engagement, we offer multiple ways to earn that fit your interests.


No waiting around-get rewarded as soon as you complete a task


Your earnings are protected with secure payment methods, ensuring you get paid on time, every time.

Join a Thriving Community

Thousands of users are already earning money with us. Be part of a growing community that values your time and effort.

Start Earning Today!

Ready to start earning? Sign up, start performing tasks, and watch your income grow. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or just want to make some extra cash on the side, we’ve got you covered.

How It Works


Register for Free

Sign up quickly and easily—no strings attached.
Click here

Activate Your Account

Complete the simple activation process with just N2,000 to unlock your earning potential.
Click here

Start Earning

Start performing tasks like watching videos, performing sponsored activities, sharing viral content, and getting engagement on your posts.

Watch Your Earnings Grow

Earn cash and rewards for every task you complete. With GoViral, the possibilities are endless!

Earning Info

Reg fee ₦ 2,000
Referral bonus ₦1,000
Indirect referral bonus ₦ 150
Welcome bonus ₦ 1,500
Watch videos ₦ 400
Sponsored task ₦300
Share viral content ₦300
Content Engagement Engagement on your content 1k - 5k daily

Contact Us


+234 811 216 9618

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